The Great Product Discovery Standoff—Online Catalog vs Online Store vs Microsite

Top Differences: Online Catalog Vs Online Store Vs Microsite

Online Catalogs vs. Online Stores vs. Microsites: we often get questions like: “Why should I host my catalog online when I’ve already got an online store?”, or “Can we not solve this problem with a microsite?”.

The answer to those questions is not straightforward. Each medium has its own merits and purpose. So how do you decide?

In this infographic we’ll compare catalogs vs. online stores and microsites to make clear where the online catalog can contribute, and why it could be the best solution for you.

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the great product discovery standoff online catalogs vs online stores vs microsites infographic Publitas

Online Catalog Vs Online Store Vs Microsite: Enjoyed the infographic? Here are some other posts that might interest you:

Online Catalogs vs. Online Stores vs. Microsites  And, here’s a 14-day free trial to our product. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.



