Publitas as iPaper alternative — Full Comparison and Four Differences

Publitas logo vs. IPaper logo to indicate Publitas as iPaper alternative.

Within Europe, both Publitas and iPaper have a leading position in delivering Digital Catalog Enterprise software for retailers. Through this page, we provide all the information needed for a full comparison of both platforms, helping you to make an informed decision about which digital catalog software is the best fit for your organization.

IPaper alternative: Full comparison of Publitas versus iPaper

So how does Publitas rank as iPaper alternative? We have listed a full comparison overview below to compare both solutions on features and capabilities.

Feature Publitas iPaper
External links
Video content (Youtube, MP4, Vimeo)
Image/GIF content
Custom branding
Multi-brand account structure
Advanced analytics solutions
API Access
Publication scheduling
Dedicated success manager
SEO optimization
Integration with GA4
Custom domain with free SSL
Shoppable content via product overlays
Sync product info from online store
Auto-detect products based on SKU tags
Custom solutions -
A/B testing
Shopping cart
Dynamic products, pricing, and availability
Personalization -
Automated SKU tags
Landing pages -
ISO 27001 certification -

Four differences between Publitas and iPaper

A phone divided in half. On each side there are different variants of a couch, carpet, and other decorations. Left: Light items viewed by a woman. Right: Brown items viewed by a man.

Engage shoppers through personalized publications

Through dynamic content, you can quickly and easily populate a publication with products matching shopper data points. Utilize your data to create personal digital publications that result in higher engagement and conversion.

Three Publitas employees working on laptop and smiling.

Going the extra mile with custom solutions

Do you have a special request or want your catalog to feature something we don’t offer in our standard package? Our custom solutions team tailors publications to your needs. From catalog tagging services to member-only order forms or custom integrations, we will create solutions based on your requirements.

A mockup digital catalog benchmark report showing for example that 11% more pages are read than average.

Turn catalog data into actionable insights

Using your catalog data, we show you options to improve your catalogs. Our dashboard benchmarks your data and shows you the areas of improvement. With these clear steps, you can increase digital catalog performance.

Woman relaxing on a couch while shopping on a phone.

Tailored for enterprises

From the setup of our account structure to our billing model, Publitas is perfect for large organizations. Whether you have multiple teams, brands, or countries you want to manage, it is all included in our Enterprise plan. And we charge you per publication, not per visitor or reader.

How to choose the best solution for creating and publishing digital retail catalogs?

Choosing the best solution for digital retail catalogs can be difficult. There are many ways and possibilities, not even mentioning a variety of tools and platforms that each offer different solutions.

The best solution for creating and publishing digital retail catalogs is one that has the features and functions to support you in building the digital catalog to your needs. Let’s take a look at the essential features and some helpful questions for evaluating the options.

Essential features for digital retail catalogs

At least, a digital retail catalog should include the following features::

  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Flip & slide effect
  • Choosing your desired format (booklet or single page)
  • Easy to navigate
  • Create your catalog from PDF, product feed, or Excel sheet
  • Add hotspots (product, video, link, etc.)
  • Add assets like images, videos, and GIFs
  • Add interactive and shoppable images and videos
  • Connection with GA4 (or other analytics platforms)
  • eCommerce integration
  • Reliable hosting
  • Accessibility (ADA compliant)
  • ISO27001 certification
  • Search engine optimized
  • Knowledge base and support team

Questions for choosing a digital retail catalog platform

You can easily start with Publitas through a free trial.


To create a publication you can use the following steps:

  • Upload your file
  • Add hotspots (Silver plan or higher)
  • Connect your product feed & add product hotspots (Gold or Enterprise plan)
  • Add SEO details
  • Setup Analytics
  • Launch!

Publitas has integrations tailored to the retail and eCommerce industry. We integrate with Shopify, GA4, Matomo, Adobe, Bynder, and more. View all our integrations here.

  • Import and update product feed
  • SKU tagging
  • Shopping cart

Yes, you can try our Bronze, Silver, and Gold plans 14 days for free without needing to enter credit card details. If you are interested in an Enterprise plan, our team is happy to help you tailor the solution to your needs.

Our Bronze, Silver, and Gold plans have free data limits of 100, 250 and 500GB. On the Enterprise plan, there might be a variable cost depending on your usage. Contact us to learn more about the data traffic fees for the Enterprise plan.

Why organizations choose Publitas

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